Order of the Bookish



For me, a book comes to me when I can feel it in the marrow of my bones. Like if I don’t tell it, I will spontaneously combust or something. Whether it be my own story or a story of a fictional entity in my mind, that’s always how I know it’s a solid book idea when I feel the passion of the story pulsing through my veins.      


Author talks order of the bookish book producer

Healing is never linear. I thought I had healed from all that I discuss in the pages of Sticks and Stones but this year, I actually had a seven month return to Mr. Suncoast. I had fun during it and I don’t at all regret it but it for sure showed me why he wasn’t my person, and that I deserved so much more than he could give.

I feel by being honest with readers that I reconnected with him, they will realize that if they ever were in similar shoes, It’s ok to forgive yourself for choosing unhealthy things as long as you realize why it was an unhealthy choice. Then, begin again with your healing. Or if you want to save yourself, stay focused on your healing and becoming the best version of you. That may be the best choice of all.


My book was inspired by leaving that toxic employer and being a dark place mentally and emotionally, and needed an outlet for all those emotions but not yet having money to get counseling or help. So I wrote Sticks and Stones for anyone who was in a similar situation. To know that you aren’t alone, that you can and will get help, and that healing isn’t linear. It comes with really good days and some really bad days. And I hope it empowers others to leave toxicity behind, however that looks for them.

What made you want to become a writer?

I wanted to become a writer since I was seven years old. It was the first talent that a teacher pointed out and really emphasized when I was in grade school. I also felt powerful whenever I wrote a story. It was the one time I could express myself and people would listen. I loved that aspect.

How you got into reading

I got into reading because it helped me out as a kid and being undiagnosed autistic. My peers were rarely kind to me growing up so I found my friends within the pages of books so I was always reading as soon as I learned how.

What are your goals for the future?

I would like to get a full-time job by the time I’m 40 years of age. I would like to travel more, write more, and worry less.

I would love to go back to school to get a Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling. Simply because I’ve benefitted so much from good counseling and simultaneously also realized when I had to find a better counselor. I want to become that better counselor for people out there. So many people out there are hurting in different ways. They need someone to listen and also help them see the light again. I want to be that for others. Sticks & Stones was just the start of that for me.


I have two Goldens named Zoey and Cooper. You can follow them at @dasquad26 on Instagram.


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