Order of the Bookish

Library of Author Talks for Order of the Bookish

Author Talks DL Hammons

Born into a military family, DL moved around a lot when he was younger (and he hated every minute). He spent most of his life in the southern US, but if his personality reflected an area of the country, he’d say he was more of a west coast guy (relaxed and easy-going). Also born without a sense of smell… DL handled changing all his children’s soiled diapers. He may be laid back, but not one to shy away from tough duty.

YA Suspense/Thriller Writer

DL Hammons YA Suspense/Thriller Writer

DL is a graduate of LSU (where he changed majors half a dozen times) and now lives in Central Arkansas, splitting his writing time between YA and Adult Mystery/Suspense. This year marks his 40th wedding anniversary. He and his wife have three grown children, two dogs, a cat, and his hobbies include video gaming, listening to classic rock and roll music, and camping (when it’s cool).

The Journey

The first piece of fiction DL ever wrote was for a class assignment in tenth grade… to impress a girl. The assignment was to write an original script and produce a recording in the style of a serial radio drama like Little Orphan Annie and Dick Tracy

DL drafted a story about a single mom and her young child who have a supernatural experience with a full-length antique mirror bought at a local yard sale. At first the teacher refused to believe that DL hadn’t copied the story from some other source, but after the entire group insisted that it was original, their production earned an A+. However, the girl was only moderately impressed (DL’s first experience with subjectivity). He then joined the school newspaper and made a name for himself writing sports articles and feature pieces. Unfortunately, the writing seed planted in high school would lay dormant for decades while DL faced the realities of adult life. 

It wasn’t until his children had flown the coop that “the itch” returned, and he had the time to give it the attention it deserved.

DL’s path to publication would best be described as a nail-biting drive down a mountain road! Full of twists and turns. Although he’s always considered himself a writer, he used his skills for most of his life to develop technical journals, instruction manuals, and policy guides. Not especially rewarding, but it paid the mortgage. When he finally had the time (and energy), he turned his skills towards writing fiction. He began by writing short stories about personal experiences he had while growing up, then tried his luck at writing a novel. Unfortunately, every mistake a first-time novelist could make, he made it. 

Over time, he learned his craft the hard way… through trial and error and the guidance of others. 

DL has now written seven novels, landed two different literary agents, and published two adult mystery books (KNIGHT RISE, FALLEN KNIGHT) through an Indie Publisher (Wild Lark Books). His involvement with the traditional publishing model has been less than rewarding, so he made the tough decision to pursue self-publishing in the future.

The Book

PRICK is DL’s first venture into the young adult market, and even though the main characters are in high school, he’s confident the story itself will resonate with readers of all ages. The book was first penned eight years ago and even though it drew the interest of numerous literary agents (one of which DL eventually signed with), it couldn’t find a home with a publisher. 

It sat on the shelf for years while DL turned his attention to other stories, but he could never entirely let it go. He knew in his heart that the story (or rather series of stories as he always envisioned it as a trilogy) would strike a chord with readers.

The book features a strong female lead who is searching for her identity, and a boy who’s a cross between Big Bang Theory’s Sheldon Cooper and John Bender from Breakfast Club. It falls to them and their friends to stop a threat that nobody believes exists, involving a mystery with more twists than a Sourdough pretzel. But it’s the central theme of misjudging others based on everything BUT facts that will resonate with both today’s teenagers and adult readers.


Some other themes explored in PRICK are grief, redemption, and the complexities of human relationships, all while keeping its readers on the edge of their seat with its intricate plotting. This may be DL Hammons first venture into the YA market, but it is safe to say that it won’t be his last!

Advice for Authors

The first thing DL would emphasize is that it is not a decision to take lightly, particularly if you’re committed. The constant rejections, the pointed criticisms, and the way the industry moves at a snail’s pace can wear on a person’s psyche. If that doesn’t scare you away, then DL has four recommendations.

  1. Find a critique group. While not all critique groups are created equal, if you fall in with the right group of writers their support will prove invaluable. Critiquing other writer’s work will improve your own and nudge you in the right direction.
  2. Immerse yourself in the thriving writing community. Bloggers, Facebook Groups, Writer Conventions, there is no end to the resources available for newbie authors online, and you should take advantage of it.
  3. Like a carpenter’s maxim is “Measure twice and cut once”, you should double and triple check your work before you let anyone look at it. Rushing or hurrying is one of those habits that can end up reflecting negatively on a writer.
  4. READ! You should not only read extensively within your chosen genre, but sample others as well to expand your vocabulary and emotional reach.


What’s Next

The follow-up to PRICK is already being edited and on-schedule for spring release date. It will be self-published. DL is also writing the third book of his adult mystery (Silent Sleuth series), though there is no timetable for its release.

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