Order of the Bookish

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Eve L. Quinn Romance Fantasy Author

From romance reader to steamy writer

With a career surrounded by books, I was inspired to give life to characters and plot ideas in my head.

How did you get into books?

Eve L. Quinn Romance Fantasy Author

My first romance novels where the ones I found in my aunt’s house when I was a teenager. I remember sneaking into her room and finding out a box under her bed or inside her closet. I would peruse the titles and then choose one novel to hide in the bathroom and read in peace.

How did you get into writing?

I started writing journals when I was in high school, and then, me and my friends started writing romance novels and held our own contests. In my college years I kept reading a lot of romance books. Later, I found out about Wattpad through a colleague and opened an account and started writing again.

What stories have inspired you the most and how?

One of my favorite childhoods stories has been Beauty and the Best. Is a formidable and enchanting tale about sacrifice, selflessness, fining yourself, courage and love.

Tell us about your book!

Eve L. Quinn Romance Fantasy Author

Wow! I had so many versions of this story in my mind before starting to write it and I still have different versions on the book apps. I wanted a fantasy romance story inspired in The Prince and the Pauper with a love triangle. I thought of having two different species characters to make it more entertaining and that lead to adding subplots and twist.

I came across the idea of two looked alike men to distance myself from the saturated market of werewolf or human twins. The only villains were supposed to be the poachers that hunted wolves. But as I was writing it occurred to me to Philip would make the perfect villain with a change of heart. My stories have HEA, I may have put a lot of pressure to the main characters, but I want to see their happiness or retribution in the end.

Eve L. Quinn Romance Fantasy Author

What is the most rewarding part of being an author?

Meeting other indie authors that have welcomed me into this community and finding people with my same vibe. Also, I’m grateful with all the readers that have taken me the time to read my books.

What is the most challenging part about writing?

Finding time to write, edit, and manage social media accounts to promote my work.

What is the most challenging part in publishing a book?

Marketing! People have no idea how hard it is to sell a book. Is not just the fact that I have to convince you to read my books, is buying my book so could I get promoted and more people are interested in reading them too.

Do you have any advice for those who want to pursue authorship as a career?

Read outside your comfort zone to grasp new ideas and never let anyone tell you what to write. Also be prepared to have your book rejected or not having the enough funds to publish. Prepare a budget and learn how to market yourself.

Enter a fantasy world of romance with a touch of kink

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