Order of the Bookish

Author Toolbox Order of the Bookish Boosters Book Marketing Author Branding Authorpreneur

Reaching your next Book Marketing Milestone

Order of the Bookish May Author Newsletter

What you’ll discover in this edition of the Order of the Bookish eNewsletter:

– Review reader habits during summer break

– How to create a book marketing milestone

– How to reach your audience growth milestone

– Five marketing ideas you probably haven’t tried yet

– An income idea for authors, besides selling books

– FREE promotion for published authors

I hope you find these tips, tools, and resources helpful!

Reader Habits During Summer Break

With summer break here, young readers are transitioning from school routines to summer camps, jobs, and travel adventures. This shift means they’re building up their summer TBR (to-be-read) lists. To capture this audience and boost your book sales, consider these strategies:

  1. Engage with Summer Activities: Create content that ties your book to summer activities. Host themed giveaways, share reading challenges, or recommend your book as a perfect travel companion.
  2. Target Summer Readers: Use social media ads and posts to target young readers with messages like “Perfect for your summer TBR!” Highlight your book’s appeal for lazy beach days, campfire reading, or long road trips.

By speaking directly to the summer activities of young readers, you can position your book as a must-read for their vacation plans.

How to Create a Book Marketing Milestone

Setting realistic book marketing milestones is key to tracking your success and identifying what works. Here’s how to create and achieve your goals:

  1. Set Realistic Goals: Choose measurable and attainable targets. Examples include reaching a specific number of book sales, gaining a certain number of pre-orders, increasing your follower count, or boosting Pinterest clicks and views on reels.
  2. Track Your Growth: Use analytics tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and email marketing stats to monitor your progress. Pay attention to which posts and campaigns generate the most engagement and sales.
  3. Analyze and Repeat: Identify the successful strategies by comparing the data from different campaigns. If a particular type of post or ad yields high engagement, replicate and refine it for future use.


  • If your goal is to gain 100 new Instagram followers in a month, track weekly growth and adjust your content accordingly.
  • For increasing book sales, monitor sales reports and identify which promotions or ads led to spikes in purchases.

By setting clear milestones and using data to guide your efforts, you can effectively grow your audience and boost your book’s visibility and sales.

How to reach your audience growth milestone

Reaching your audience growth milestone requires a strategic approach and consistent effort. Here’s how to effectively grow your audience:

  1. Define Your Target Audience: Know who your readers are. Create a detailed profile of your ideal reader, considering demographics, interests, and online behavior.
  2. Engage on Social Media: Actively participate in conversations, join relevant groups, and use hashtags to increase your visibility. Share valuable content consistently to keep your audience engaged.
  3. Collaborate with Others: Partner with fellow authors, influencers, and bloggers in your genre. Guest posts, interviews, and social media takeovers can expose your work to a broader audience.
  4. Run Contests and Giveaways: Encourage followers to share your content and tag friends for a chance to win a free copy of your book or other prizes. This can quickly increase your reach and follower count.
  5. Utilize Email Marketing: Build and nurture an email list. Send regular newsletters with exclusive content, updates, and special offers to keep your subscribers engaged and interested.
  6. Track Your Progress: Use tools like Google Analytics and social media insights to monitor your growth. Identify which strategies are most effective and adjust your approach accordingly.

By setting clear goals and using these strategies, you can effectively reach your audience growth milestone and expand your reader base.

Five marketing ideas you probably haven't tried yet

Looking to boost your book’s visibility and reach new readers? Here are five marketing ideas you might not have tried yet:

  1. Leverage a Street Team: Build a dedicated group of readers who love your work and are eager to help promote it. A street team can share your book on social media, write reviews, and generate word-of-mouth buzz. Engage your team with exclusive content, special thank-you notes, and early access to your new releases.
  2. Submit to Guest Book Bloggers: Reach out to popular book bloggers in your genre and offer to write a guest post. This exposes your book to their established audience and can drive traffic to your website and social media profiles. Make sure to provide valuable content that resonates with their readers.
  3. Host a Virtual Book Launch Party: Organize a virtual event to celebrate your book’s release. Use platforms like Facebook Live, Instagram Live, or Zoom to interact with your audience in real-time. Offer giveaways, exclusive readings, and Q&A sessions to make the event engaging and memorable.
  4. Create Themed Pinterest Boards: Use Pinterest to create boards related to your book’s themes, settings, and characters. Pin content that your target audience would find interesting and relevant. This can attract new readers who share similar interests and increase your book’s visibility on the platform.
  5. Collaborate with Other Authors: Partner with fellow authors to cross-promote each other’s books. You can do joint giveaways, co-host live events, or feature each other in your newsletters. This not only expands your reach but also builds a supportive author community.

By trying these innovative marketing strategies, you can expand your book’s reach and attract new readers. Remember, consistent and creative marketing efforts can make a significant impact on your book’s success.

An Income Idea For Authors, Besides Selling Books

Looking for an additional income stream beyond selling your books? Consider affiliate marketing. Starting with Amazon’s affiliate program is one of the easiest ways to get started, although it takes time and consistent effort to be successful.

Affiliate Marketing with Amazon:

  • Promote Similar Books: Share links to books similar to yours. When readers purchase these books through your link, you earn a small commission. This is a great way to recommend reads you love while earning extra income.
  • Promote Book-Related Merch: Highlight merchandise that complements your book’s theme. This could include anything from themed bookmarks and mugs to apparel and accessories. By recommending these items, you not only support small businesses but also engage your audience with relevant products.
  • Support Small Companies and Handmade Items: Partner with small businesses and artisans who create products that align with your book’s theme. Share their products through your affiliate links. This approach not only earns you commissions but also supports fellow creators.

Affiliate marketing can be a lucrative addition to your income strategy. By carefully selecting products that resonate with your audience, you can create a steady stream of additional revenue while providing value to your readers.


The Order of the Bookish team will be taking a break during the summer to spend time with kids, travel, read, and write. Therefore, we are setting our availability to be limited until the end of August. 

We have a few spots open for each service. If you need hands-on support from our team to help you creatively boost your stories visibility, audience, and sales, book your support service now. 


Are you ready to see your book come to life on the big screen? We’re thrilled to announce a special promotion exclusively for published authors like you!

Introducing our “Book to Big Screen” feature on the Books4Movies website. Simply fill out a form with details about your book, and our team will craft a captivating article envisioning what your book would look like if it were adapted into a movie or TV show.

This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your work to a wider audience and spark interest in potential adaptations. Plus, it’s completely free!

Don’t miss out on this chance to see your story brought to life in a whole new way. Submit your book details today and let the magic begin!


I also want to take this opportunity to share newly published books with you. No matter which direction you go in – self publishing, small press, hybrid, Big 5 – the best way for us to grow, is together. 

So consider following these new authors on social media and supporting their journey.

The best way to grow, is together!


By D.L Hammons

Taggart and Cassie are eager to put last summer’s tragic events behind them and the start of college is just the ticket, but it is proving to be easier said than done


By S.F Baumgartner

Two women. One targeted by an unknown enemy. One accused of murder. Will they overcome their obstacles?


We are a team of book lovers with years of professional experience who have joined forces to help more fantastic books come out into the world. Check out some of the most popular things that we do to help authors. Explore our website to find out more. 


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